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A longstanding community advocate with a proven track record for standing up for the local community and delivering positive results for the SEAT OF BURLEIGH and beyond.


I pledge to champion complete transparency and openness in civic affairs, ensuring clear mechanisms for public feedback and participation.

My extensive community stewardship coupled with my practical approach to problem solving enables me to competently represent community aspirations. The issues confronting the seat of Burleigh are at times diverse, challenging, and urgent.

In the seat of Burleigh select civic undertakings and reforms remain overlooked or stagnant. It is my pledge to function with integrity and transparency whilst being approachable and accessible. I have no conflicts of interest or vested relationships. Equally, I am not connected, bound, or funded by any prejudiced interest groups.


Hi I'm Cathy

I’m a dedicated mother of three grown children, a small business owner alongside my wonderful husband Steve, and a proud Gold Coaster who’s called this beautiful place home for over 30 years. My commitment to our community has always been at the heart of what I do. Through my volunteer work, I’ve earned a reputation as a community advocate and problem solver who gets results.

With a background in psychology and a deep love for the Gold Coast, I co-founded the Gold Coast Lifestyle Association (GCLA) to protect the natural beauty and lifestyle we treasure. When a poor government decision threatened our community, the GCLA, with strong local support, successfully challenged the Federal Government, resulting in a victory that benefits over 200,000 residents today. This success opened doors for me to work on various community issues, from supporting disadvantaged women to addressing public safety concerns and protecting local assets.

I’m passionate about standing up for everyday Australians on key issues like small business challenges, cost of living, housing affordability, crime, and protecting our freedoms from increasing government overreach. Like many, I’m frustrated with governments that seem to forget their role in serving the community. I believe in honesty, transparency, and accountability—values that should be at the core of good governance.

I’m deeply invested in securing a better future, not just for my own children but for all our kids and future generations. So, who is Cathy? I’m a voice you can trust, someone who is dedicated to getting things done for our community.

                                    Cathy Osborne  –  YOUR TRUSTED VOICE 

These LOCALS know that

is exactly the representative the Seat of Burleigh needs!

Cathy Osborne

Cost of Living Relief

I will oppose any increases in state fees, levies or taxes so that residents can be given some relief from the current cost of living pressures. The cost of living is due to the cost of government

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Given the state of the economy and pressures on the household budget, coupled with multiple interest rate rises, I will not be voting for any anything that increases the burden on Queenslanders.  The simple truth is, cost of living is due to the cost of government. People are doing it tough and need fiscal relief when and wherever possible.

There's Nothing Light About Light Rail

The so called light rail is cutting off the life blood of the Gold Coast and we need to stop it in its tracks to save the southern Gold Coast.


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For the past 4 years, I have advocated and will continue to advocate for business and residents during the uncertain and disruptive period that lay ahead throughout Stage 3 of Light Rail. There must be accountability meetings with key stakeholders to reduce impacts. The impact from the continual loss of parking and soon to be introduced 3 hr limits in residential streets will have further devastating impacts and no more than a revenue raising form of punishment; to fine patrons for supporting business and families parking in their own driveway or a carer who needs a park while looking after a home-based client does nothing but escalate hardship and is a reactive not proactive approach.

Affordable Housing


Empowering the building and construction industry to create affordable housing, in collaboration with councils, ensures more effective solutions to the housing crisis. This partnership leverages industry expertise and local insights to accelerate development and increase housing supply. By working together, we address urgent housing needs and improve living conditions for all.

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With the Libertarian Party, and with me you DO have a choice - a choice for smarter, fairer policies that work for you. We have a plan to ease the strain on homebuyers addressing stamp duty costs and real estate transfers—putting more money back into your pockets when you buy a home. And for those looking to build new, we’ll rebate the GST on residential builds, making new homes more affordable."

A Safer Community For All

Crime rates in our community are escalating, without meaningful consequences for criminal behaviour, we can not expect to see a reduction in incidents. Everyday individuals deserve to feel safe in their community and homes. 

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Most Australian laws currently prohibit the right to carry pepper spray as a form of protection/self defence. The only form of protection we have as women in Australia is to call the police, but for many it’s always too late. Currently, pepper spray is legal to carry and use for self defence in Western Australia but illegal in all other states. For many incidents, this could have saved lives and if something doesn’t change soon, the inability to carry pepper spray may lead to the loss of more innocent lives and assaults.

Opportunities for Business

In the dynamic relationship between the Gold Coast's businesses and its residents, a symbiotic connection defines our success. Beyond local suppliers, our businesses thrive when the community supports them, contributing to a flourishing city. The seat of Burleigh boasts a diverse mix of retail, commercial, and industrial enterprises, each playing a pivotal role in our economy.

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My focus is on untangling bureaucratic red tape that hinders growth and welcoming external businesses to enrich our vibrant community. As a city envied for its quality of life, it's time to elevate the Gold Coast as a prime business destination. By eliminating unnecessary constraints, we can transform our city into the best place not only to live but also to conduct business, positioning ourselves as a hub of opportunity beyond tourism. It's time for the Gold Coast to be taken seriously as a diverse and prosperous economic center.  

Stop the Waste

I pledge transparency and honest stewardship, meticulously reviewing expenditure for equitable distribution. My focus is on Community betterment first.

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I am dedicated to fostering transparent and fair financial practices in our community. Decision-making will be driven by the betterment of the community, steering clear of cronyism or populism. Recognising documented instances of wastage and ill-considered decisions in the state's history, I pledge to manage your hard-earned rates judiciously, aligning with the community's wishes and promoting positive outcomes for all residents.

WINS & Work IN the Seat of Burleigh (& beyond)


Lead the charge as part of a community action group and won in the (AAT) Administrative Appeals Tribunal to reduce unnecessary aircraft movement following the implementation of the Gold Coast airports ILS new flight path over the seat of Burleigh. Significant binding restrictions that if left unchallenged would have allowed for any plane any day to use the ILS impacting one's lifestyle and enjoyment of amenity.

Neighbourhood Watch Miami Participant

Active participant in the local Neighbourhood Watch group for Miami until a recent move to Burleigh - actioned key issues held within the community on crime and residents' concerns for their safety receiving media coverage in The Bulletin and on ABC broadcasts.


Actioned a highly successful community information forum on The Voice Referendum that was well received by the community and supported by notable guests Senator Matt Canavan and Gary Johns.

Gold Coast Lifestyle Association

Co-founded Gold Coast Lifestyle Association. a not-for-profit community group established for the benefit of protecting residents' lifestyle and amenity.

Founded Burleigh North Neighbourhood Watch

Actioned the new Burleigh North Neighbourhood Watch crime prevention group following a call to action when residents were outside the catchment for the Mermaid, Nobby’s & Miami neighbourhood group.

Pedestrian Safety measures

Actioned the urgent reinstatement of a key zebra crossing that was overlooked following Miami esplanade roadworks; without this crossing there was a risk posed to pedestrians. This crossing was reinstated within 24 hours.

Maintenance of Lake Hugh Muntz

Long standing advocate and co-spokesperson for the Lake Hugh Muntz community and created Council and community attention to the plight of the dying lake, resulting in an A Current Affair investigation and a treatment soon followed.

Lismore Flood Cleanup

Active participant in the mud clean-up team effort and remote meal delivery to Lismore flood affected families in a time of crisis. Spearheaded a recovery initiative in response to the devastating tornado that struck Tamborine. With the support of local residents and business 1000 fresh meals and groceries were delivered to residents and emergency personnel during the unprecedented weather event.

As your local member,






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